Radical Self-Care: For Mothers
We’ve heard the basics of self-care: meditation, yoga, massage, saying no. Yet can self-care sometimes seems like a self-chore? Yes. We have no time, so how are we going to fit in that yoga class when we have to go pick our daughter up from school, make dinner, get the work done that we didn’t finish, and somehow manage to fall asleep, let alone get any, in order to start the new day?
You are worth every bit of time.
Let me introduce you to the idea of radical self-care. You might find it to be “out there” or wonder how anyone could fit this into their lives. But trust me, once you do, it’s so worth it, and so are you. What’s the secret to this radical self-care? Giving yourself time to do nothing at all.
Being busy is honorable, but it’s not a badge!
Yes, it’s so awesome to be involved, keep up with friendships, try to look and feel perfect at all times, but no matter what, at that pace, you will burn out Mama! We’re only human. And when we’re caring after a little human (or more!), plus or without a partner, it’s a lot to carry. What if you actually cleared everything, even just once a week, where you said no to everyone and everything, except you and the people and things you love most?
Never feel guilty for self-care.
As moms, we often feel “mom guilt” if we take the time to pamper ourselves because at the same time, our child could need our help in so many ways at any given moment. Yet, when we give ourselves the time and space and radical self-care needed to help us decompress from our busy lives, we become extra-super-superwomen! We have more power than ever! Energy to blast through breakfast, lunch, and dinner! Courage to face the scary and unknown! Creativity to find new ways to play and learn and grow! We become the best versions of ourselves! Never feel guilty, feel proud that you are working on yourself and acknowledging the weight you carry. And then, letting it all go, just for a day.
What does radical self-care look like?
For every woman, it’s different. For some, it might be using that day to spend it making memories with their children. It could also be spending the day doing literally nothing, and honestly, this has been proved to reduce your risk of stroke and many other health worries. For others, it could be scheduling a wonderful massage, acupuncture, or salt cave session (these are awesome by the way!). And, ps, if you are on a budget, check Groupon, they still have so many deals for new clients. Try something new!
About Soul Song Counseling
Located in Denver, Soul Song Counseling was founded by Becca Hart, LPC, a licensed counselor and mom with a passion for helping other moms through depression and anxiety. Through her training in maternal mental health and Brainspotting, her clients say they feel a sense of peace and encouragement, that they are able to find their soul song.
To connect with Becca click here.