Parenting Tips: Choosing Positive Words
Words are powerful. As a parent, choose wisely.
When it comes to parenting tips, there are plenty available. My advice? Take what works and leave the rest. Yet, when it comes to choosing positive speech towards our children, most parents can unanimously agree that helpful, encouraging language is always a good way to help support your children to be emotionally confident adults.
As a parent, the words we choose are very important.
We parents can remember a time (or more!) when we were caught in traffic and maybe a not-so-lovely word came out of our mouths. Next week, our little one is saying it nonstop. Oops! Children remember almost everything you say to them (except when you ask them to remember to brush their teeth…. Interesting haha!). So, if they are soaking up everything, we have to remember to mindfully speak. Hey, it’s not a bad practice for speaking with adults like co-workers and partners too.
Parenting tips from a parent, and counselor.
As a counselor, I’ve worked with children, teens, families and parents. I’ve seen many angles of family strife and of course, as a human myself, I have my own fair share of “rough days” too. What I’ve learned is to just let it go. Stop trying to control your child, stop trying to control situations. Let them be, and let them breathe.
If I could share some parenting tips with you, I would tell you to try to be the best version of yourself and see how much that changes things. Speaking positively and live positively. Take care of yourself (hint: counseling is great mental health maintenance). And, make sure to laugh. A lot. Every day. See what happens if you try to do this every day for a whole month. A positive parenting challenge!
The effect of positive words on all living things.
If you think that the power of positivity is limited to humans, nope. This is incredible. There was a researcher and author, Dr. Masaru Emoto. He took microscopic pictures of water droplets when positive and negative messages were spoken. The positively spoken to water droplets were magnificent, symmetrical, and expressive. Meanwhile, the negatively spoken to water droplets were misshapen and deformed. Watch his original video from the documentary below.
Something that really sinks in when watching the video is the end. The fact that so much of our bodies are made up of water, that how we speak to each other is actually changing the molecules of our bodies and minds. Whoa.
About Soul Song Counseling
Soul Song Counseling is a counseling practice in Denver, Colorado, serving individuals, parents and families wanting solutions to life’s everyday questions. If you’ve felt like you’ve lost that song inside of you, or want to feel freedom, but feel trapped, counseling can help open up a side of you that you might have thought was lost. A joyful side. A bright side. Maybe even a happy side. We’re here for you whenever you are ready. Click to start by explaining a time and day that work for you for a complimentary consultation.