Doing Less: The Minimalist Go Getter Mom
When I sat down to write this blog, I had hopes of writing something useful that working moms could use. Something like “the ultimate guide to being the most organized working mom” or similar… then I realized there are far too many of those. What we really need more of is to become more minimalist in our lives, and take things off the plate, so we can do the things that are on it, better. (Right??)
And, not only that, but it’s career driven moms like us that would seize on an article like that. We’d head over to Amazon and buy all the cute cookie-cutters so we could make bento box lunches. And guess what? We’d create yet another project to be a perfectionist at, leaving even less time for ourselves.
So, Mama, stop right there. (This is a note to myself as well.)
Let’s challenge ourselves to the “un-doing” of our lives as mothers. This week, let’s try to do less. And, let’s try to use what we have. We can make this fun, and guess what? We’ll have more time and more space for ourselves, our kids, and our careers (plus our partners, friends and pets.)
Some ideas to do less and be more of a minimalist this week:
- Go through a box or drawer (any one!. Kids have a blast just sitting in messes as you go through stuff. Do they like this better than new toys, or any toys for that matter? (usually!). So good job Mom. With this activity, you’ve cleared out some room for your mind and life AND had a fun “new” activity for your baby or child.
- Become an explorer (of your own neighborhood). If you’re like a lot of the moms I work with then you are either an entrepreneur or a CEO or a total boss mom in your profession. And, you are probably working from home (while watching your baby or kids). Time is valuable. But, you also need breaks! I recently found a paper map of my neighborhood and we are planning on crossing off each “adventure” as we get to it (walking every lake, strolling every trail, and perhaps buying something from a few local businesses as treats).
- Sell stuff. Again, with the minimalism. Most of us have too much stuff. It can cause cluttering in the mind and induce innate stress when we see it all everywhere. Being the go-getter mom I know you are, why not try out Facebook Marketplace, Poshmark, or Craigslist to try to make a little cash and reduce the number of items in your home (instant anxiety boost and serotonin boost with decluttering and making some cash). Then, use said cash on neighborhood adventure listed above!
- Draw it out. Use art supplies to make a collage vision board or a monthly goals calendar. Getting back to the kid in you is a fun activity with your family, while helping you manifest your dreams for work, family, and yourself.
- Read. You might say, Becca, I do not have time, period. How can you ask me to read? Trust me! If you make this one of your goals, you will find that the rest of your life slows down and falls into place, too. We are the masters of our time. How we spend it makes it go by slowly, or rapidly.
I encourage you to introduce activities into yours and your family’s life that slow it down and incorporate a minimalist mindset. If you’ve tried, and it’s just not possible, due to anxiety or postpartum depression, that’s where I come in. As a licensed counselor for postpartum anxiety and depression here in Denver, I can help you get that smile back on your face (the real one that’s been hidden for some time now).
About Soul Song Counseling | Postpartum Counseling and Brainspotting Therapy in Denver, CO
Having a baby brings out a lot of emotions. These are often pre-programmed as evolutionary responses to childbirth, but that doesn’t mean they are easy to handle. Add on top of that, a modern lifestyle, with bills, social media, expectations, and heavy feelings, and it can be just way too much for one person to handle. I encourage you to reach out if your feelings of hopelessness, anxiety, stress, and worry have been unbearable. I am here for you.
Schedule your 15-minute consultation with Soul Song Counseling.