She Grew Happy, You Can Too.
She grew happy. That has a nice ring to it. But how does it happen?! How does one grow happy? Well, the way I see it, everyone is unique, so we have individual journeys towards happiness.
Your Path Towards Happiness Is All Yours
And what joy and freedom that can bring! You have been given this beautiful gift to have your own experience here in life. No one else will have walked your footsteps, smelled the flowers you’ve smelled, or hugged the people you love. Every single experience when we say “she grew happy” means it was her own. And your happiness journey will be your own too. (By the way, I’m here for you.)
“We Accept The Things We Cannot Change”
One way to grow happy can be found in the Serenity Prayer, commonly used in Alcoholics Anonymous but applicable to all. The Serenity Prayer talks about accepting what we cannot change (i.e. others) and accepting what we can change (i.e. ourselves).
We cannot change others, nor do we even have the capability to control another person’s happiness. What we can change is ourselves.
We can change how we respond to others and to unpleasant situations. We can control much of our own emotions. This kind of mindfulness can help us towards happiness by releasing our grip. In fact, we know nothing of what is to happen next. True happiness is when we are able to let go of the outcome and simply do our best in each situation each day.
Coping Skills and Growing Toward Happiness
Here’s something else to consider… not every day is Georgia peachy-keen (where I’m from, lots of people act like it is though). But, it’s not! We all know that every day can be a thunderstorm, a foggy day, or a bright clear one with not a cloud in the sky.
On those days, coping is a lot easier than the rainy days. That’s where counseling with someone you trust, who can hold you accountable for your wellness journey, and check in on you with genuine care.
Other coping skills? Baths! Coloring with your child (or yourself – who am I kidding, it’s fun and meditative!). Time spent with your pet. Walking outside. Screaming into a pillow sometimes. Just breathing for a moment.
Hi, I’m Becca.
And, I know… this takes practice. This is a learned skill. Look for my next blog which will dive into depictions of real-life situations and how our fellow humans were able to take care of themselves (and their emotions!) in times of need. In the meantime, try putting into practice the Serenity Prayer. See if that affects your happiness. ~ Becca